

A compass for spirit seekers, earth guardians, humanitarians.


Hone your personal power in a community of like-minded people driven by spirit, on-purpose.

The Earth Warrior™ way, first developed by Lotus Sky in 2018, fosters spiritual equity, personal power, and collective responsibility for entrepreneurs and creators seeking to lead as humanitarians and guardians of the earth.

Students and clients are ready to positively shape how future generations will receive the earth we walk on. We work together. We uplift each other up. We forge a path forward.


Earth Warrior™ way is a brave and safe space for growth and spiritual development.

The EWW community reaches hundreds of people worldwide through the Inner Circle virtual membership, and Earth Warrior™ Collective for live learning.

No matter where you are on your journey, we believe you deserve a space that encourages open minds and open hearts.

We encourage everyone to embrace their identity and purpose, lead with truth, take risks to grow, ask and offer support, make lasting connections, and embrace fresh perspectives.



The Six Dimensions Of Self-Mastery

Earth Warrior™ way Is A Framework For Self-Mastery.

Creating a heart-lead impact on earth requires self-mastery. Earth Warrior™ way is based on the six dimensions of self-mastery, a process created to help you shed limiting behaviors so you can walk in harmony with your spirit and community, on-purpose.


Dimension One


Deepen your connection with your guides, earth, cosmic wisdom, and your soul’s voice.

Dimension Two


Balance and create harmony in your everyday life, operate in the flow state of the Universe.

Dimension Three


Transform challenges into gifts and opportunities, and claim freedom in Oneness


Dimension Four


Find your center, gain mastery of your own personal energy, direct your energy as a co-creator

Dimension Five


Access the way of the heart to experience abundance and your authentic beauty.

Dimension Six


Make a commitment to serve and master the true mechanics of manifestation that is spirit-based


Learn The Earth Warrior™ Way

Start Your Self-Mastery Journey. Here’s How.

There are two unique opportunities to meet in a global community from the comfort of your home.



Inner Circle Membership

Ongoing self-paced learning, live events, with access to a global community.

Join Inner Circle


Earth Warrior™ Collective

A live group program with Lotus Sky for students new to the Earth Warrior™ way.

Learn More & Apply


What people are saying about Earth Warrior way Offerings.